When it comes to free piano VST plugins, not many of them are as cool as the Free Piano 2 VST Plugin by RDGAudio.
This piano VST Plugin is a cross-hybrid between piano and strings. Sampled at a high-quality rate providing nothing but High definition sound output.
Free to download and free to use Piano & String Rompler VST. Check out more Free VSTplugins by RDGaudio Here.

Main Features
- Over 600 High-Quality Samples
- Attack and Release modulations
- 3 Velocity Layers
- Comes with built-in reverb and cutoff
- 4 Round Robin
- Comes with Tune, Volume, and Pan-Settings
- The piano Section also comes with a strings section a very interesting sound output.
This is a VST3 plugin
vst3 plugin has a different file location on your windows folder, it will not work if you copy and paste all the files to your normal VST plugins folder. “C:\Program Files\VstPlugins”
Usually will be located within “C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3” you will also find the VST2 folder there “C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST2”
If you’re using FL Studio, you can also check your VST3 folder in your “add/manage plugins section”, check the image below.
There is a full step-by-step Guide on how to add and remove VST plugins inside FL Studio that we have designed right here. How to install VST in FL Studio Tutorial Guide
How to install VST plugins on Windows – Full Step-by-Step Tutorial Installing VST Plugins on Windows Tutorial (.exe & .dll files)
We also have other great Piano VST plugins here at ProducersBuzz, check them out below!
This Awesome Piano VST plugin will work on both Windows 64-bit and macOS VST.