Free to download Omah Lay FL Studio Free Vocal Preset.
If you ever wondered how to sound like Omah Lay in FL Studio when mixing your vocals this is the perfect setting.
We have created a step-by-step guide on how to mix and master your vocals in FL Studio to sound like Omah Lay, well the inspired similar style should we say! Everyone has a different voice tone of course.
Check out our YouTube Video Below
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Download Omah Lay-inspired Vocal Preset for FL Studio
We have designed a perfect Vocal preset which you guys can load straight into FL studio, simply “import track mixer state” option and you will have all the same settings as shown in the video above.
This is a ProducersBuzz Free VIP Download, if you enjoy producersbuzz then join our youtube channel and never miss our free vocal presets, vst plugins, drum kits and so much more, Join ProducersBuzz on Youtube.