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HomeSell Beats Online10 Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Beat Selling Websites

10 Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Beat Selling Websites

10 Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Beat Selling Websites.

10 Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Beat Selling Websites

Website traffic refers to users who visit a certain website. Moreover, it is a great method to measure the effectiveness of your website in attracting targeted audiences. Now, website traffic is extremely essential and critical to the best-selling business.

Therefore, you need to make sure you have more traffic if you want to succeed in this industry. The more traffic your website gets, the more money you earn. Thus, provided is a list of 10 ways you need to follow if you wish to increase your website traffic.

1: Free Beats – Marketing

Now, who doesn’t like free things? No one. People will love to get to your website to go through your website to get their free beats. To this end, creating a page on your site where people can get free beats will harm no one. It’s quite the opposite. It will benefit exceptionally your business. Moreover, you can ask visitors for their emails in exchange for one or two free beats.

2: Article Writing

Next, a simple indirect method to promote your website is writing helpful articles for your audience. Thus, you can promote your products and services through this content marketing method. Moreover, if you’re incapable of writing by yourself then consider hiring a writer on websites like Fiverr, etc.

3: Email Marketing

Surely, you have to build an email list on your website to market too. In addition, it’s a good idea to send regular emails every month promoting not only your beats but also your other services, content, and articles. Many people use Mail Chimp, mail chimp is a very good email marketing tool.

4: YouTube Videos

YouTube is taking over T.V. and any other video-playing websites. Thus, creating YouTube videos with content targeted to your audience will increase your high-quality traffic. Therefore, take good use of it in promoting and marketing your beats, songs, or even tips.

5: Learn SEO

First, it stands for Search Optimization Engine. Second, you have to learn it. To explain, it is used to enhance the content of your websites for it to be better found on Google for example or any other search engine. Taking care of this will allow more traffic to your website.

6: Put Money in Advertising

Next, Ads will immensely benefit your marketing and business. How many times have you decided to buy a product or service based on some interesting ad that suddenly popped up somewhere? It happens a lot. Thus, pay for ads that target your audience. For example, invest in Google Ads.

7: Promote Your Website on All Your Social Media Profiles

In short, take the URL of your website and add it to your Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, SoundCloud, and many others. All of these websites are based on social interaction and if you use them as marketing tools, they will bring more traffic to your business. Plus, just like other professional businesses, promote your web address in your email signature.

8: Social Media Posts

Other than linking your website on your social media, you need to get yourself a posting plan. To clarify, this plan should include weekly and/or monthly posts in which you share any new content and services.

9: Forums Participation

Moreover, joining music forums and engaging in conversations with other producers, music lovers, artists or anyone else related to the industry will help you stay up to date. Plus, add your website address to the signature of your forum.

10: Affiliate Programs

In addition, if you can set up and affiliate program as well as offering commissions for referrals, then you will have people promote your won website and beats for you.

PAV Beatz - (Pavel Horvath)
PAV Beatz - (Pavel Horvath)
PAV Beatz (Birth name of Pavel Horvath) is a music producer from London and also the main author here at ProducersBuzz. PAV has worked with many talented signed and unsigned musical artists. Teaching music producing since 2012


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